A few words for 2009 from your host
The M1911 Pistols Organization (or M1911.ORG for short), has been recognized by the industry as an electronic publication. As such we receive new products for test and evaluation. Such products include new M1911 models, accessories, spare parts, innovative products for the maintenance of your pistols etc. Additionally, we receive Press Releases from companies related to the M1911, when they announce new products or services. Finally our staff reports to you with the latest news we learn from the industry.We therefore decided to start this site, in September 2006, to host our E-zine, in which all these news will be published.
The contents of this site are organized in Volumes (which correspond to years) and in Issues. We currently publish our second Volume (Year 2007) and our latest issue is the second issue of that Volume (Spring 2007). Previous Volumes and Issues are also available for your perusal.
One difference between our E-zine and printed publications, is that our E-zine latest Issue is "alive", it is updated after it is first published, as more and more product reviews become available, within the Issue period (Latest Issue). So keep coming back, new items are added daily. This page will always contain the latest additions.
Pistol reviews marked with are tests of pistols which have appeared in M1911.ORG before any other publication.
How to browse our site
On the top of each page, there is a Navigation menu, right below the large banner on the top. From there, you can select what you want to read. In the menu, you will also find links to our other sites, the Home Page and the Forums Site. One more thing, if your computer screen is set for an analysis smaller than 1024x768 pixels, you will not be able to see our site properly.
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This site won't exist, without the generous help of the companies who advertise in here. These companies are shown at the top of each page, and at the right column. We would certainly appreciate if you visit their web sites. Their products and customer service are top-notch. If you decide to buy something from them, please tell them where you saw their banner.
Next Tests
The following pistols have been scheduled for reviewing, during the next few weeks.
We want to thank you for visiting our sites and welcome you to the world of the M1911 pistol.
The M1911.ORG Team
Go directly to our latest issue.
A Tale of two Colts (by Heirloom Precision) | March 5th, '09 |
I've known Frank for a long time and he never showed me that he was the kind of man who tell tales. Well, I guess I was wrong. In his latest column, he shows a hidden talent, as well as how fortunate this man is. Read his Tale of two Colts and you'll see what I mean.
Volkmann Combatant Carry Pistol Review | February 24th, '09 |
Luke Volkmann's motto is "one masterpiece at a time". So we decided to see if his pistols really live up to his motto. Here is what our reviewer found, after putting one of Luke's pistols through its paces. Read it all in our review.
BAT Industries Roto-Stand | February 22nd, '09 |
We received a nice accessory that we tested, from BAT Industrie. We had one of our reviewers try it out. Read how he liked it in our review.
Firestorm DLX Pistol Review | February 16th, '09 |
We received one of the new Firestorm pistols for a review. It took us some time to put it through its paces, but here is how our author liked it. Read all about it in our review.
End of contents of our latest issue. All items below can be found in our previous issues.
Marvel .22LR Conversion Kits Review | December 17th, '08 |
The good folks at Marvel Precision were kind enough to send us two of their conversion kits for reviewing. See how our author liked them in our review.
M1911.ORG-Caspian PocketSmith III Review | December 17th, '08 |
We are happy to present to you the new version of our PocketSmith, the multi-tool for the M1911 shooter. You can read all about this tool in our review.
Colt O1918 Review  | December 10th, '08 |
One of our Forums member, Cleveland, was kind enough to send us his brand-new, unfired Colt Model O1918 for a review. We sincerely thank Cleveland for his generosity. You can read all about this new Colt model in our review.
Colt Combat Elite Review  | December 10th, '08 |
Colt re-introduced their Combat Elite pistol, and our author Hunter received one for T&E. Read how he liked it, in our review.
Kramer holsters review | November 25th, '08 |
Our author Harwood Loomis tries out three Kramer Leather holsters and let you know how he liked them in our review.
TICK Light Rail review | November 15th, '08 |
An interesting idea for those who want a light rail on their pistol, but who do not want to permanently modify their guns. Tactical & Rescue Gear has come up with a light rail you can easily attach to your pistol, and remove it when you no longer need it. We try it out and let you know how it works and how we liked it in our review.
Insight Tech Gear Procyon review | November 11th, '08 |
We test for you the new Insight Tech Gear Procyon Tactical LED flash light and we let you know how it works and how we liked it in our review.
Para Ordnance GI Expert sneak preview  | October 31st, '08 |
We just got a sneak preview at the new Para Ordance GI Expert 1911, a pistol oriented to the budget-minded shooter, who wants something more than the standard GI-style guns offered in the market today. Have a look at it in this issue's Short News.
M1911.ORG visits USFA factory | October 31st, '08 |
While he was in CT our author, Hunter, got the chance to visit the US Firearms factory in Hartford. Read Hunter's recollection from that visit here.
Wilson Hunter Review  | October 28th, '08 |
It doesn't happen every day, that one of our editors receives a brand new 1911 pistol with his name on it. That's what happened when our Mr. Hunter Lee Elliott received not one, but two Wilson Combat Hunter pistols, for reviewing. See how our editor liked them in our review.
M1911.ORG visits Colt's factory again | October 28th, '08 |
The first time we visited Colt's factory in January 2007, we were astonished to see how Colt 1911s were build. This time, our editor Hunter Lee Elliott visits the Colt's factory again, invited by Gen. Keys himself, to witness how things have changed in one and a half year. Read Hunter's column here.
STI SteelMaster Review  | August 26th, '08 |
We are trying out a very special pistol, the new SteelMaster from STI. A gun made for competition. See how our reviewer liked it, in our review.
Wilson 30th Anniversary 1911 Review  | August 15th, '08 |
Wilson Combat is celebrating their 30 years in the custom pistol business and decided to come up with a special anniversary pistol. Read how we liked it, in our review.
RIA Range Bags review | August 15th, '08 |
The nice folks at RIA were kind enough to send us some of their range bags for reviewing. See how are authors liked them in our review.
Nighthawk Custom Lady Hawk review  | July 20th, '08 |
Nighthawk Custom presented this model in 2008 SHOT Show and in IWA. A NHC in 9mm especially designed for their female customers. Our reviewer had to get some assistance to try it out, so read how they liked it, our review.
Colt announces the new Combat Elite | July 11th, '08 |
Colt has just re-introduced the Combat Elite. Read their Press Release here. We are currently awaiting for a sample pistol to tell you our impressions of this new Colt.
Tucker Silent Thunder holster review  | June 18th '08 |
We are checking out Tucker's innovative holster, which combines Kydex with leather. See this new holster in our review.
Cylinder & Slide 1903 Recreation review  | May 29th, '08 |
Bill Laughridge of Cylinder & Slide was kind enough to allow us to try out his unique Model 1903 Pocket Pistol recreation. A one-of-a-kind pistol, that Bill build a couple of years ago, to show his company's ability to create unique, extremely gorgeous pistols. M1911.ORG was the first organization which was allowed to fire this pistol, and you can read all about it in our review.
Horseshoe Leather Covert #28S Holter Review | May 30th, '08 |
We are reviewing one of Andy Arratoonian's holsters here. See the results in our review.
Matt Davis Custom 1911 review  | May 29th, '08 |
Here is a sample of a full custom pistol, send to us by its creator Matt Davis of MD Custom Machine. See how our tester liked it in our review.
Tucker Gunleather Easy Reach Holster  | May 11th, '08 |
We are checking out Tucker's first attempt at a Kydex holster. See the results in our review.
STI Rogue review  | April 4th, '08 |
We test another STI pistol, this time it is the Rogue, a 9mm Para pistol. See how our tester liked it in our review.
Our author, Hunter Lee Elliott just submitted an article on casting. Read how he converts wheel weights to bullets in our Casting article.
IWA 2008 Show | March 17th, '08 |
M1911.ORG visited the 2008 IWA Show in Nurnberg Germany and is reporting back what we saw. The old continent is still alive and well as far as the shooting sports are concerned. Read our IWA report here.
Dave Sample passed away | February 29th, '08 |
It just came to my attention that Dave Sample (aka Captain Eagle) has passed away. Dave has long been a supporter of the Roy Rogers foundation, and was active in his support...working with fund-raisers both in front of and behind the scenes...and remained personally involved until his health failed. Dave also served honorably with the United States Navy during the Korean War, and is thus remembered for his service. He also was a self-trained pistolsmith and taught gunsmithing via the Internet to those interested in building their own 1911. Rest in peace Sir.
USPSA Partnership With STI International | February 22nd, '08 |
The United States Practical Shooting Association (USPSA) has announced a new fundraising partnership with STI International, a leading firearms manufacturer and major sponsor of competition shooting. The USPSA/STI signature pistol program will raise money through the sale of two specially designed pistols with funds going to support a variety of USPSA programs and initiatives. Details on the announcement can be found in USPSA Press Release.
Charles Daly EFS review | February 15th, '08 |
We just published the review of the Charles Daly EFS pistol, that we received. An impressive, budget-priced 1911. See how our tester liked this pistol in our review.
Rock River Arms Tactical  | February 12th, '08 |
We present you here, the Rock River Arms Tactical 1911, which was send to us for reviewing. See how our tester liked this pistol in our review.
SHOT Show 2008 | February 3rd, '08 |
Our editor, Hunter Lee Elliott is in Las Vegas NV and he just send in his first pictures of new and interesting M1911 pistols from this year's SHOT Show. Check them out in his First Day SHOT Show '08 Report and the Second Day SHOT Show '08 Report.
Para support to USPSA | February 1st, '08 |
Para Ordnance will present a check for $31,000 to the leadership of USPSA at the SHOT Show. Read this announcement in our Short News.
Colt Model O1918 pictures revealed | February 1st, '08 |
We just received pictures of the new Colt Model O1918, the pistol which replaces the Colt WWI repro. Check them out at Short News.
USPSA Announces World Shoot XV Line-Up | January 19th, '08 |
The United States Practical Shooting Association (USPSA) announced the official teams that will be representing the United States at the International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) World Shoot XV to be held in Bali, Indonesia, October 19 through November 2, 2008. Details on the announcement can be found in USPSA Press Release.
Para Ordnance torture test  | January 16th, '08 |
Para Ordnance's Todd Jarrett puts a Para SSP 1911 through a torture test. Read all about it in Para's Press Release.
STI Guardian 9mm  | January 11th, '08 |
The first review of 2008 focuses on the STI Guardian 9mm pistol, that we received from the Texas company. See what our reviewer thinks about it our review.