With the summer behind us, the shooting world seems to be getting back to its usual tempo and so is M1911.ORG. After the slight decline in articles in our last issue, we enter the last quarter of 2011 with a lot of material for our readers.
First of all, our editors put through their paces some nice parts from EGW (thanks George), as well as an Advantage Arms conversion kit. Following that, you will read the what Steve Clark saw during his visit to the Cabot Guns factory in Pennsylvania and, right after that, Steve will put one of Cabot's guns through its paces and he'll let us all know what he thinks about it. We also have some other guns in our hands for T&E, and we'll print those reviews in here. As always, we'll announce each review in our Forums site, too.
Finally, I want to say that I sincerely hope that the world financial turmoil we all live in will go away, and that those who are without work will soon find their hardship is over.
Have fun, stay healthy and shoot a lot.