On The Road Again
by Frank Ettin
14 May 2010
Once again your peripatetic correspondent has left hearth and home in search of gun related adventure. (Okay, I’m getting to the age at which adventure isn’t what it used to be.)
Anyway, last night was in Barstow, and this afternoon I arrived in Prescott, Arizona. Tomorrow I’ll be off to my destination, Sierra Vista, Arizona. Forum member threefeathers organized a class there for Massad Ayoob (he was in the LFI-I class I took a while ago). I had the opportunity to help out, and just couldn’t pass it up.
I finished packing on Wednesday and got to bed early. Of course the cat knew something was up since my packed bags were downstairs ready to be loaded into the car in the morning. So she slept on my feet all night to try to keep me from leaving.
The trip to Barstow was -- well, a trip to Barstow.
However, the there’s some nice country after Bakersfield and before Mohave.
This morning I went through Needle and crossed the Colorado River into Arizona. Shortly thereafter, I took the Franconia Road exit. As far as I can tell, Franconia Road really doesn’t go anywhere, but it offers a nice spot to stop out of view of the freeway and arm myself in privacy.
This trip I’m wearing a 1911, specifically my Nighthawk Talon III (see http://ezine.m1911.org/showthread.php?t=39). It’s a CCO size gun, Commander size top end on a Officers ACP size frame. It’s a fine gun to carry. And I’m taking the Ed Brown Kobra Carry also dicussed in that article.
Stopped in Seligman to stretch my legs. Interesting old Route 66 town.
Continued on and got some rain just before turning south on Highway 89 for the final leg of the run into Prescott.
There’s a new rule in Arizona. With a permit, one may now go armed with a concealed handgun into a place serving alcohol, but may not drink. So I was able to go out to a nice dinner in Prescott without worrying about what I was going to do with my pistol. I went back to a place called Murphy’s I discovered my last trip here, and had a decent Caesar Salad (no one seems to make a really great Caesar, like the old days, made at the table), and an excellent filet and asparagus -- with some iced tea. I usually like my wine and tipple, but in any case, I make it a practice to never drink when I’m handling guns.
And after dinner took a little stroll around downtown Prescott. I do like Prescott; maybe my “yuppie” self is showing, but what you see is what you get.
Off to Sierra Vista tomorrow, so more is coming.
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