John's thoughts - Winter 2019
Dear visitors, welcome to the M1911.ORG E-zine!
A new year has started and of course, it always starts with the SHOT Show, held in Las Vegas, NV at the end of January. Unfortunately, this year, we were not able to send an editor to it. So we do not have an article for the Show. We apologize for this, and promise that it will be the last SHOT Show we are not present.
The news from the SHOT Show do not include many new 1911 pistols. From my discussions with the proper people, it appears that the only companies which had new models to show, were Cabot Guns and Ruger.
Cabot Guns presented their new Gran Torino model, you may visit their web site at to check it out.
Ruger presented their Custom Shop SR1911 Competition Pistol, signed by none other than Doug Koenig. You may visit Ruger's web site at to check it out.
Moving on from the 2019 SHOT Show, in this issue, we present you two reviews of 1911 pistols. The first is the Rock Island Armory TCM Tac Ultra MS Combo High Cap 1911 A2 Pistol and the second is the Rock River Arms Polymer 1911. I am sure you will find them very interesting. We also bring you a couple of articles we thought that might interest you. Check them out, and tell us what you think. If you have questions, there are links at the end of each article, taking you to a discussion thread on that suject, in our Forums Site.
So for the time being, allow us to wish you a very happy and prosperous 2019. Stay safe, watch your six and keep your powder dry (as they say)!!!