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View Full Version : Bill Laughridge, president of Cylinder and Slide, visits Raleigh NC

Hunter Lee Elliott
5th June 2011, 02:19

My uncle Larry, who has been a member of the Wake County Wildlife Club going on three decades (as well as a hunter. conservationist, and firearms safety instructor), informed me that Bill Laughridge, president of Cylinder and Slide, would be dropping by the Wake County Wildlife Club for a visit and presentation. I had the chance to review the Cylinder and Slide Recreation and Defense pistol a few years back. I later met Bill at the SHOT show not long after my review so I was not going to miss this opportunity to see him again.

I arrived at the wildlife club a bit early to visit with Bill and get a few quick shots of some of the handguns he had brought along.

The 100th Anniversary Limited Edition


Another Custom 1911


A Smith and Wesson .41 Magnum that had been to C&S for some custom work

A Colt Mustang that had been revitalized at C&S

A BFR chambered in .45-70 that had also been to the C&S custom shop

The famous pistol Bill built that resembles a Colt 1903 but this one is chambered in .45 Automatic

Bill had a meet and greet with the club members talking guns, giving advice and showing off some of his work. I had a chance to talk to him and get his thoughts on upcoming projects as well as current ones. Bill talked about his new model, Trident, aimed for the extreme duty crowd, with great enthusiasm. Then Bill took center stage with a thirty-minute presentation, starting off with the history of the 1911 and the beginnings of the "king" as he put it (referring to the 1911 not Elvis).



He then spoke about the military trials when Colt, Luger, and Savage were gunning for the contract of supplying sidearms to the American soldiers of WW1.



Bill then discussed the beginnings of custom work and what Cylinder and Slide is all about. Not only do they build custom handguns but will also work on the residential customer's handgun.



After sharing some helpful advice on purchasing used handguns, Bill hung out for a little while longer, answering more questions and checking out some of the members' personal handguns.



Once again it was great to catch up with Bill, he truly is a wealth of information on firearms especially the 1911. He had mentioned sending m1911.org a few of his new pistols to test. He was well received at the Wake County Wildlife Club, where I believe we all learned something.


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